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Training with Fit by Nature Training means training under the MovNat methodology.  MovNat is a physical education system that trains physical competence for practical performance by practicing the natural movement skills inherent to the human species. MovNat aims at effectiveness, efficiency, and adaptability.  It is for everyone; being safe, fully scalable to each individual, and supports physical competence towards any area or activity in life. 

Gain A Varied Skill Set

Human movement falls under three "domains," which are: Locomotive, Manipulative, and Combative.  In each domain, there are certain movement aptitudes we call "skills."  The Locomotive Skills are walking, running, balancing, jumping, crawling, climbing, and swimming.  The Manipulative Skills are lifting, carrying, throwing, and catching.  And the Combative Skills are composed of striking and grappling.  Theses skills, with the exception of swimming and Combatives, are what you'll train. 

By training under Fit by Nature Training, you will gain a varied skill set regarding human movement.  However, not only will you gain these skills, you will have a near equalized ability in all of them, which is essentially the goal of the MovNat methodology.

Quality First!

All training is begun by first establishing highly skillful movement.

​To become skillful in movement, one must execute that movement in highest sort of quality.  That means this movement is efficient, as opposed to simply being effective.

Being effective is producing a desired result regardless of the method used.  However, being efficient is being effective while also performing better.  For example, effectiveness in scaling a 10ft wall means climbing on top of it, even if it takes a long time and develops cuts on your arms and legs.  Efficiency in scaling the wall would be the same situation, but would take less time, and not result in bodily injury.

Thus, the outcome of efficiency in movement is better performance, greater energy conservation, and a higher level of safety.

Achieving Quality

The process of achieving high quality movement, is the result of practicing techniques.  A technique is a particular movement pattern that takes into account the rational use of biomechanics and natural laws.  Techniques can be described, taught, and mindfully applied and reproduced.

Techniques are formed through the symbiotic combination of Posture & Breathing, Sequence & Timing, and Tension & Relaxation.

By making use of techniques, we can effectively and efficiently direct the kinetic energy produced by our bodies, gravity, and ground force reactions.

But before we can achieve high quality movement with complex techniques, we must first establish a baseline for high quality movement with fundamental movements.  This is accomplished through the use of the Functional Movement Screen; a ranking and grading system meant to assess movement dysfunction and asymmetries.

How We (And you should) Train.

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Many people tend to confuse the MovNat training methods with "functional training," and assume it is simply accessory to more typical fitness training styles.  While this can be the case, MovNat is a complete system, separate and entire of itself.  What MovNat trains is not "functional," but practical.

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