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Links Galore!

All the following are websites that I visit very often and receive quite helpful information, tips, and other such goodies. If you have time, look through the ones that interest you.  Who knows!  You might just find something amazing! Just click on the name to open a new page.  Most are fitness related and others are not.



MovNat​ is a physical education based on training the full range of natural human movement abilities.  It is progressive, safe, fully scalable to anyone and perhaps the only fitness system primarily focused on physical competence.

Founded by Erwan Le Corre, MovNat is the world leader in natural movement physical education and fitness.

Mark's Daily Apple 


A blog that is way more than just another blog.  Mark's Daily Apple is the main hub for all things Primal. Highly recommended to visit if you are looking to start a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.

Started by Mark Sisson, author of the highly lauded The Primal Blueprint.



Formalized by Martin Berkhan​ after much research and self-experimentation, Leangains is a method of using Intermittent Fasting, along with weight-lifting and supplementation of BCAAs, to build strength with the least amount of weight gain.

Done properly, Leangains maintains low body fat percentages, high strength capabilities, and optimum body composition.



The aim of CrossFit ​is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness.  It seeks to build a program that best prepares practitioners for any physical contingency -- not only the unknown, but the unknowable.

Founded by Coach Greg Glassman, CrossFit is one of the few systems that creates legitimate intensity in exercise with their WODs (Workout Of the Day.)

CrossFit Endurance 


Branched off from the CrossFit philosophy​, CrossFit Endurance focuses on eliminating unnecessary volume of training from typical endurance sports training.

Founded by Brian Mackenzie, this system of strength and conditioning with endurance is unparalleled in its capability of producing results.

Functional Movement Systems


Functional Movement Systems​ is the umbrella company for the Functional Movement Screen and the Selected Functional Movement Assessment.

Founded by Gray Cook, these two systems are the first of their kind in that they provide a consistent, easily understood, and measurable baseline for movement.

The Designed to Move Physical Activity Action Agenda


A​ framework for action meant to provide all people who have the ability to influence positive physical activity habits in the younger generation a means to do so.

This extremely well research document and guide is backed by some very renowned and recognized names such as Nike, Inc., The Bill Clinton Foundation, and the American College of Sports Medicine. 



A company started by a grad student​, Jeremy Shih, and his girlfriend, Caroline Weeks, that aims to foster an awareness for personal fitness in college.

CampusFit strives to be a one-stop-shop for readily applicable information that today's college student's can easily benefit from.

Daily DormWOD


The Daily DormWOD​ firmly stands by the idea that every single person, no matter how busy in college, has enough time everyday and enough equipment to maintain adequate physical conditioning. 

Created by Aaron Lahorra Biever, Owner of Fit by Nature Training, the Daily DormWOD strives to make the excuse, "I don't have time to exercise and stay in shape" completely irrelevant.

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