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Eating is simple.  Or, at least it should be.​  Really, its people that complicate the process.

For the majority of human history, mankind has eaten two things.  Along with those two things he has hydrated himself with one thing.  That is, he ate plants and animals.... and he drank water.  Your diet should be no different.


Obviously, the exact amounts of animals and plants varied throughout the seasons, longitudes, and climates.  But the base parts of mankind's diet remained the same no matter where you look.

So, the easiest way to eat, in the way that is most natural and in tune with the human body is as follows:  80% of what you eat should be from plants and animals.  That means foods that are as unprocessed as possible.  If food is processed, the farthest that process should go is killed (or collected), cleaned, and then cooked. That's it.

While you should strive for 100% of your diet to consist of plants and animals, there are other foods in the world that are rather tasty.  That being the case, these foods should not make a majority of your daily caloric intake.  These foods should at most make up to 20% of what you eat.  And, if you can, these foods should be things that are derived from plants and animals such as cheese, milk, and whole-grains if you must.  Anything else that has gone under more complicated processes and is very unnatural, should be a very uncommon part of your diet.

And, when you eat exactly as your body is supposed to be fed, portion size does not particularly matter.  If anything, plants should have a larger "portion" of your plate than the animals part.  However, even though this is the case, it does not mean you can absolutely gorge yourself at every meal.  Eat mindfully.  Eat until you are full and have that satisfied feeling in your gut.  Then Stop.  Simple!

Drink Lots of Water!!

Eating; Simplified.

*I do not own this photo nor do I claim any rights to it. Credit goes to and its owner.

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