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Services in Natural Movement

Along with MovNat, there is a slurry of other services I offer for those who simply want some insightful teaching.  It is not always necessary to hire me as an ongoing personal trainer if all you are seeking is a little extra instruction, feedback, or a place to start.  If any of the below interest you, feel free to contact me!

Barefoot Running and Efficient Running Form


Proper running form is perhaps one of the least thought of techniques in the world of exercise, yet it is extremely important.​

When a technique is inefficient, this means energy is being wasted somewhere in the kinetic chain.  More often than not, this wasted energy comes in the form of increased impact, many times leading to injuries in the knees, shins, hips, and lower back.  e.x.  Shin splints, runner's knee, IT band syndrome, etc.

By running in a way that is both natural and efficient, we increase energy conservation and improve movement durability, allowing one to run faster and further.  Plus, it's more enjoyable!

Lessons in Weight Lifting

In your pursuit for overall fitness, there are very few things that are worse than developing injuries from improper form in the weight room.  While you may get away with inadequate form for a considerable amount of time, once you start pushing heavier weights, many lifts need to be as close to perfect as possible.  And it really is with the heavier weights that you start to see results.

Lifts I teach:

Dead Lift, Clean

Back Squat, Front Squat, Zercher Squat

Bench Press, Dips

Overhead Press, Push Press, Jerk

Bent Over Row

Pull Ups


Weight Loss and Muscle Gain

Everybody wants to look good.  And the easiest way to do this, is to lose weight and put on some muscle.  Same thing for ladies!  Want that long, sexy look?  You need to lift some weights then!  Pink dumbbells don't count.

If the Freshman 15 seems to be hitting you heavy, I can work with you to change your lifestyle habits one at a time, so that you can lose fat and put on lean muscle mass, all while maintaining optimum health!

Even if you aren't looking to lose weight, but simply want to be more "chiseled," I can also help you achieve that goal.  There are many simple changes in diet, and lifestyle that aid you in getting more cut. 

Functional Movement Screens

By my having you go through the entire Functional Movement Screen, I can then assess your fundamental movement patterns.  This allows me to discern your asymmetries and dysfunctions in movement, in order to establish your risk of injury in more complex activities, such as athletics.

Based off of your score from the Functional Movement Screen, I can then assign specific corrective exercises meant to reestablish the functionality of your fundamental movements, increasing your durability in movement.

The Functional Movement Screen is a fantastic baseline standard for quality movement and the first of its kind.

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